Michael Hanslip Coaching

If you want to go faster, you have to pedal harder

April 2022

The blog is back

I never intended for the blog pages of my previous website to vanish. When I moved to a new web hosting service I built this new look site but I didn't want to have to migrate a blog to a new computer. My intent was for it to be a short down time but life seldom works as expected.
I had troubles migrating my web design software to the new computer. Contact with the vendor didn't help - they couldn't find a record of my purchase. Then suddenly this month I found a self-service search function on their website and found my license number. Voila, now it is up and running on the new (not so new now!) computer.

My vision is to put up writing about cycling equipment under the category "gear" and writing about riding under the category "riding". I anticipate the these two categories will be exhaustive, but time will tell.