Michael Hanslip Coaching

If you want to go faster, you have to pedal harder

Finding the flow

The other day I was out at Stromlo by myself - quite literally as it was a warm day between Christmas and NY and there were about 2 cars in the parking lot and I saw zero people on the trails - having a contemplative sort of ride. I was pushing myself, but certainly not at race pace. I rode up the front side and then back down the front side - a lap I have done a thousand times. The descent turned out to be one of those times where everything just felt perfect. I knew I wasn't going to be setting any speed records but everything was simply effortless. Jumps attempted were landed well. Corners flowed, linking together nicely.
It reminded me of the flow states the main character in "Senna" (Netflix show in Brazilian with English subtitles about Ayrton Senna) described when he was driving well. Only in Ayrton's case, he was doing it at maximum possible speed.
It is days like that which make mountain biking worthwhile. All the rides and all the bad moments and bad gear and everything collectively culminate in those few good times.